Thursday, November 12, 2009

10ways can make Your Workplace Safer using Biometric Systems

When you think about Biometric Systems, what do you think of first? Which aspects of Biometric Systems are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge. Biometric system technology is helping the workplace, as well as other places where highly valuable or sensitive products and data are stored. No matter whether you work in a factory, or a medical surgery, biometrics can make the people you work with, and the products and data you work with, more secure. Here's how. 1. Biometric access control involves using parts of the body such as fingerprints; iris or retina scans as well as face recognition to authorize entry into buildings, into relevant departments and on to computers. 2. Because only people, rather than keys or swipe cards, are recognized by the security system, it's possible to know exactly who is and isn't on site, at any one time. 3. It's also possible to know exactly where people are on site, based on where they were last authorised to enter. In addition, you can determine where unauthorised people are trying to access. 4. Biometric fingerprint readers are already available on laptops, and USB memory sticks, to help make data more secure, and to prevent unauthorised access. This means that if a laptop or memory stick falls into the wrong hands, or an unauthorised person tries to use it, it won't work. Fingerprint readers are also available for desktop computers too. 5. Using video analytics of CCTV means that people and situations can be recognised, such identifying that an unknown person is trying to enter the building, or that a known shoplifter is in your shop. The systems also use meta data, so that they can be tagged in detail, and made even more effective at identifying people and their behaviour. How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything. 6. Time and attendance monitoring systems, perhaps for production lines, or other areas where clocking on and off is used will become much more accurate by using biometrics. This is because it will no longer be possible to log in for somebody who isn't there, or log in using somebody else's details. 7. Using biometric systems will stop theft and fraud using the unauthorised use of passwords or swipe cards. A dishonest employee won't be able to access a restricted area of the building or a computer by using somebody else's swipe card, or even a genuine key. 8. More sophisticated biometric security systems mean that staff can't be threatened, hijacked or kidnapped into providing passwords or their swipe cards. This is because the system can be fitted with facial recognition technology, as well as additional motion sensors that detect the number of people, so that only one person at a time is granted access. 9. Biometric systems mean that security staff can be used for other tasks that can't be automated, perhaps to check doors and windows are shut and locked, to physically search staff and visitors, or to be aware of suspicious behaviour on or off the premises. 10. Effective and efficient biometric systems will mean that less time and money spent on security in the long run, as there won't need to be down time due to breaches of security, replacing lock, or having to wait for a password to be reset. Now you know how biometrics can make your office safer, reduce your security concerns and increase productivity, isn't it time that you found out more about biometric access control systems? Find out more about Biometrics and Biometric Access Control Systems, and read real-life case studies showing how much of a difference biometric security systems can make, at today.

It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest on Biometric Systems. Compare what you've learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of Biometric Systems.

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